April 12, 2017

💸Review - "Generation Zero (2010)" - dir. Stephen k. Bannon🇺🇸

When Bannon was occupy

This film is better than "the Undefeated". I didn't hate it. It still isn't good. Bannon's style of of putting vaguely related stock footage under audio of interviews is used here. This time it is about the 2008 financial crisis. 

Adopting Generation Theory, the idea that the culture of generations travels in cycles  from complacent to crisis, the film offers a conservative explanation of why the market crashed. A gaggle of baby boomer politicians/academics/pundits etc. explain that young people in the 60s (their own youth in that period is left undiscussed) radical changed the moral centre to focus on the individual. This allowed for the great capitalist era of the 80s followed by the financial crisis. 

I don't think I have much more to say about this film.

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