May 24, 2017

🌎Review - "The Torchbearer (2016)" dir. Stephen K. Bannon🔥

Torchbearer is better than some other Bannon/Citizen United films. undefeated was physically and mentally painful to watch. Torchbearer restricts itself to mental torture. 

It looks much better than the undefeated, limiting its use of stock footage to when it is more appropriate and uses archive footage and location shots, which at least match the topic of conversation. 

Torchbearer opens with sound bites from comedians and the media attacking host Phil Robertson for holding extreme beliefs. I didn't know who he was, but it isn't important because none of the criticisms are addressed in the film. Whatever he is, he is a typical choice for a Bannon film; a university educated (Masters in Education according to Wikipedia) person who tirades against Universities. St Paul preaching to the pagans, we are told, is like preaching in the middle of Harvard.  

That gets us to the biggest problem of this movie; It is factually garbage. According to Bannon/citizens united/Robertson (if any of them actually believe their message), Isis's biggest problem is that have rejected God. Isis aren't religious fundamentalists but a hippie death cult in the vein of The Manson family or Jonestown. In fact, all of humanities problems occur when people abandon God. The American Revolution was more peaceful than the French Revolution because American values come from God unlike the French, which was secular. Nazis were bad because they read Nietzsche instead of followed God. 

This film's points are as obvious as an Egotist with his name on the side of buildings. Images of the Nazis are flashed up against pictures of Planned Parenthood (get it?) while we are reminded that Scopes was supported by the ACLU and Oppenheimer read Hindu texts.  

There is nothing to be gained from watching this film.

On the plus side, this film isn't very long. 

May 19, 2017

💻Review - "Jpod" by Douglas Coupland🗣

This is a annoying Canadian novel from a decade ago about early-2000 youth culture, the rise of China and video games. It hasn't aged well, probably due to the fact that it is not good. 

The protagonist is Ethan, who works in a computer game company with Wacky coworkers and he has a wacky family. Characters do wacky things that nobody in the novel finds particularity strange. Events just happen but that isn't interesting, so the characters just discuss pointless stuff, possibly to simulate boredom (yet the novel describes the characters a super focused and working nights). It is a novel which includes a list of all three letter scrabble words and the author appears as a character. 

Everything that this novel tackles has been done better somewhere else and reading it just annoyed me.